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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Palm Pledges!

By: Molynia 

We went around to all of your classes to teach you about how palm oil is affecting the Sumatran Tigers. We thank all of the children who have signed it. There were two different pledges for you guys, but they all had the same meaning. The total of children and teachers who signed it  was 456! We're so proud of all of the people who signed it.

This is what the pledges were:

I pledge that I will support companies that want to make Deforestation Free Oil. Deforestation free oil means there is no burning or cutting down our oxygen rich trees to make oil.  I pledge to tell my friends and family about Deforestation Free Oil.

I pledge to be aware of palm oil usage from this day on to save the Sumatran Tigers. I will stand up for companies  who want to use De-Forestation Free Oil. Which means there is no cutting or burning down our rich oxygen forest. I am a superhero, even without a cape or mask!

This is our logo and all of our pledges surrounding it, which is located in our I.M.C. by the computers!  Go and check it out!


  1. Its great that everyone signed our pledge that show that you care THANK YOU <3

  2. We took a lot of work into that!!! Way to go Group A!!

    1. It was not just group A though everyone helped in some way or another

    2. Group A planned everything and put it all together but, we couldn't do this project without the whole school -Hannah


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