(Warning: This video is for audio purposes only. You may get dizzy if you actually watch this :)
By: Alannah Atkins and Daylen Tep
The reason we picked the
song,“Roar", was because it was a song that was about tigers, so it related to
our project that we are working on which is based on Sumatran Tigers. Another reason we picked it is because it is
well known. We did this song because we are trying to show concern for our
tigers and get Kellogg's attention to do more by using deforestation- free oil. We rewrote the chorus part of the song with the information based on our project.
The lyrics are:
We’ve got to save the tigers,
400 Sumatran Survivors,
Kellogg’s make change happen,
So we can hear them roar!
Without forests they are dying
Kellogg’s make change happen,
So we can hear them
Use deforestation-free-oil
We need to do much more!
If you get the chance, sing along using our new lyrics whenever you hear this song on the radio!