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Monday, February 10, 2014

Today's Intercom Announcement

By: Daylen and Vith

Welcome boys and girls to our fourth segment of Stop PALMing Around!

Thank you for everyone who participated in Tiger Freedom Friday,  our sponsored dress down day! 

Todays question is, "Why do companies keep cutting down more rain forests? Don't we have enough palm oil plantations already?

The way palm oil trees are planted altogether, they use up all the good nutrients and resources in the soil very fast. After a short while, palm oil trees and any other plants can no longer grow on this land. When this happens, the farmer will not make any more money so they have to move to a new part of the forest or revive the soil they are on.

Tomorrow we are telling you about a great option palm oil companies have which is to make free palm oil! For now lets move on to our ROAR Roll call! 

The top 3 classes on the leader board are:

Room 33: 175.81
Room 16: 130.70
Room 12: 109.78

Due to the weather, our bake sale has been extended until tomorrow and we will be taking donations until tomorrow. The winning class will be announced on Wednesday morning!



Please feel free to give your positive input!